The story of a young family told through the eyes of a 21-year-old first time mom

Friday, January 21, 2011

S%!t happens...

Dwelling on the unchangeable is useless. However, I want to get this out one last time before I let it go for good. I'm mad! Someone violated the privacy of our home and decided to take what was not theirs. Our house was robbed yesterday. As soon as possible, we will be setting up a security/surveillance system in the house.

But its time to let the anger go and move on. This won't break us. It just goes to show that things may try to knock us down but we are stronger in the end.

Its time to look forward and leave the the past.

Monday, January 10, 2011

New what?

I never did get around to setting up counseling. But it is still on my mind. Everyday, I feel as though something is missing or not quite right in my life. But I'll save that for a later post.

Christmas and New Years went well. The joy on Cecily's face when she opened her gifts was...priceless. Although we don't have much money, I am so glad we were able to get Cecily her gifts...even if we did wait for hours in the cold on Thanksgiving night as well as Black Friday. It was all so very worth it.

We are in a new year now. I keep thinking about how this should have been the year I graduated from college. Having Cecily set me back until May of next year. But there's no time to think about the what-ifs. I plan to embrace this new year to the fullest! I have 3 semesters left of school and I want to kick butt and get my GPA up. I also have a new job that I feel is going to open opportunities for me. My goal this year is to focus. I've struggled with this and that is why my grades have suffered. I know I can do it all...I just need that push...that drive. I have just gets lost from time to time.

Classes start in a week and I'm ready. I'm ready to take on a new semester and come out on top!